Selasa, 06 April 2010

Rumusan Astronomi Gerak Bintang

Bintang tidak diam , tapi bintang di ruang angkasa bergerak. pergerakan bintang ini sangat sukar diikuti karena jaraknya yang sangat jauh, sehingga kita melihat bintang seolah-olah tetap diam pada tempatnya sejak dulu hingga sekarang.

Laju perubahan sudut letak suatu bintang disebut gerak sejati (proper motion) .

Contoh – contoh soal astronomi

“Gerak Bintang”

Vt = 4.74 µ d

Dengan Vt = Kecepatan tangensial bintang (dalam Km/s)

µ  = Laju gerak diri/Proper Motion (dalam */tahun)

d = Jarak Bintang (dalam parsec)

atau persamaan diatas dapat diubah menjadi :

Vt = 4.74 µ/p

Kecepatan radial bintang dapat diukur dari efek dopplernya pada garis spectrum dengan menggunakan rumus :

∆λ / λ = Vr / c

Dengan :∆λ = selisih antara λ diam dengan λ yang teramati pada bintang.(dalam Å)

Λ = Panjang Gelombang (dalam Å)

Vr = Kecepatan Radial

C = Kecepatan Cahaya (300.000Km/s)

Contoh Soal :

1. Garis spectrum suatu elemen yang panjang gelombang normalnya adalah 5000 Å diamati pada spectrum bintang berada pada panjang gelombang 5001 Å Seberapa besarkah kecepatan pergerakan bintang tersebut? Dan apakah bintang tersebut mendekati atau menjauhi bumi?

Pembahasan :

Dik : λ diam = 5000 Å

Λ = 5001 Å

C = 300.000 km/s

Dit : Vr ?

Jawab :

∆λ / λ = Vr / c

1/5000 = Vr/300.000

Vr = 60 Km/s

Karena hasilnya positif berarti bintang itu menjauhi bumi!

Senin, 17 Agustus 2009


Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the largest of the terrestrial planets in the Solar System in terms of diameter, mass and density. It is also referred to as the World, the Blue Planet,and Terra.

Home to millions of species,including humans, Earth is the only place in the universe where life is known to exist. The planet formed 4.54 billion years ago,and life appeared on its surface within a billion years. Since then, Earth's biosphere has significantly altered the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the planet, enabling the proliferation of aerobic organisms as well as the formation of the ozone layer which, together with Earth's magnetic field, blocks harmful radiation, permitting life on land.The physical properties of the Earth, as well as its geological history and orbit, allowed life to persist during this period. The world is expected to continue supporting life for another 1.5 billion years, after which the rising luminosity of the Sun will eliminate the biosphere.Earth's outer surface is divided into several rigid segments, or tectonic plates, that gradually migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. About 71% of the surface is covered with salt-water oceans, the remainder consisting of continents and islands; liquid water, necessary for all known life, is not known to exist on any other planet's surface.Earth's interior remains active, with a thick layer of relatively solid mantle, a liquid outer core that generates a magnetic field, and a solid iron inner core.

Earth interacts with other objects in outer space, including the Sun and the Moon. At present, Earth orbits the Sun once for every roughly 366.26 times it rotates about its axis. This length of time is a sidereal year, which is equal to 365.26 solar days.The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23.4° away from the perpendicular to its orbital plane,producing seasonal variations on the planet's surface with a period of one tropical year (365.24 solar days). Earth's only known natural satellite, the Moon, which began orbiting it about 4.53 billion years ago, provides ocean tides, stabilizes the axial tilt and gradually slows the planet's rotation. Between approximately 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago, asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment caused significant changes to the surface environment.

Both the mineral resources of the planet, as well as the products of the biosphere, contribute resources that are used to support a global human population. The inhabitants are grouped into about 200 independent sovereign states, which interact through diplomacy, travel, trade and military action. Human cultures have developed many views of the planet, including personification as a deity, a belief in a flat Earth or in Earth being the center of the universe, and a modern perspective of the world as an integrated environment that requires stewardship.

Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

find out more about the planet Nibiru

Many of the new planet be discussed in the virtual world and some books (I have many dibredel) finally truly have!

TEAM scientists Kobe University, Japan, found a new planet that mengorbit on the system outside the solar system where Earth is located.
(Japan Scientists Find New; Sunday, 9 March 2008, 9:33 WIB) ( -Japan-find-new-planet)
Orbit Planet X (Nibiru) turned ellipse

Have been many previous saintis akan predict the existence of the planet and the resultant disaster of this planet. Period meet some of this planet earth once during the year 3600 (exactly 3661 years). And during each period is recorded as a result grafitasi on this planet disasters big going to destroy the earth even culture large.

The year 1650 BC there collapse culture large simultaneously common emergence of new with sudden also!

The fall of ancient Egypt, Middle Kingdom,
the era of darkness going Mesopotamia,
Hittie suddenly emerging work in Anatolia,
Harrapan failure in India,
Minoan civilization fall,
tiba2 emergence Olmec civilization,
failure Xia Dynasty in China

.. all occurred in 1650 BC.

Period is still running, back to the previously noted:

Around 3150 BC - the occurrence of the flood (after the disaster is ancient history culture start)
Around 5310 BC - tiba2 climate cooling effect during the period of Holocene
Around 8900 BC - Heating and melting polar global penetrating and suddenly in the interglacial period
Approximately 12,600 BC - earth polar shift or polar shift .. the effect of fossil form
views mamoth do with frozen food suddenly still have
in the stomach not terproses I also durable
All around the year 3661 once ...!

Estimated the arrival of this planet again in the year 2012

Arrival of this planet's exact year in which the world's most accurate calendar Tzolkin Maya nations also ended the year 2012, exactly 21 December 2012.

Maya calendar known nation than a matter of days using the sun and they also take the calculation of the planet Venus in calendar day. Cause the calculation accuracy of the nation Maya calendar in the past than the accuracy of the present calendar (Christian and Hijriyah). Believed by many experts of the nation Maya astronomy have at least the same or even more than the people at this time. Unlike the current calendar Tzolkin calendar has a start and end.

Joshua R., W., hypothetical Planet X & Nibiru New World Order Agenda, Athere Indomedia, 2005 (Fox News)

Senin, 06 Juli 2009


after the estimate in the year 2012, most likely this will be our planet menbrak a planet called planet "Nibiru" seer-seer, nor can reflect the existence in the year 2012! indeed whether 2012 was a year for life cover peradapan man! this is thought to be key in this world. people are curious about, whether true in the year 2012 the earth will be extinct? before people know of the existence of planet X. not in the meeting ..... virtual race ... has it even know the tribe also write in the virtual stone wall peninggalannya. Is this really true? At this time scientists-scientists now think of how to destroy the planet "Nibiru" is. while the planet is larger in the earth compare with this?

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Hour 2012

Planet Nibiru 2012 Causes of Resurrection?

The outside of the Tata Surya still have a lot of planet-planet minor who has not been found. Since the search for Planet X began in the early 20th century, the possibility of the existence of the planet hipotetis akan mengorbit sun behind the Kuiper belt have been burning theories of Resurrection, and speculation that Planet X is actually a brother of our Sun that has long been "lost."

But why worry ahead akan Planet X / Theory of Resurrection this? Planet X is not just another object hipotetis unknown?

Theories is also encouraged with the prediction of Resurrection akan tribe Maya world in the year 2012 (Mayan Prophecy) and the mystical story of the Sumerian Nibiru Planet, and the heat now as the "prediction of Resurrection" 21 December 2012. However, evidence that is used for astronomical theories is really melenceng.

On June 18 yesterday, Japanese researchers announced news that their search for a theoretical large mass outside the Tata Surya we produce results. From their calculations, it is possible that there is a planet slightly larger than an object Plutoid or dwarf planet, but certainly smaller than Earth, the Sun mengorbit with a distance of more than 100 SA. But before we terhanyut on this discovery, this is not the planet Nibiru, and the evidence is not of this world will end in 2012. Discovery of this new discovery and is a very interesting development in the search-planet minor planet behind the Kuiper belt.

In theoretical simulation, two Japanese researchers have concluded that the outermost part of the Tata Surya our planet that may not be found. Patryk Lykawa and Tadashi Mukai of Kobe University have published their paper in the Astrophysical Journal that describes minor planet believe that they interact with the Kuiper belt is the mysterious.

Kuiper belt region occupies a very knowledgeable in our Surya Tata, about 30-50 SA's Sun, and contains a large number of objects and metallic rock. Object that is known dwarf planet (Plutoid) Eris. Has long been known that the Kuiper belt have strange characteristics, which may indicate the existence of an object (planet) mengorbit large Kuiper belt behind the sun. One of the karakterikstik is called the "Kuiper Cliff" Kuiper cliff, or that there is a distance on the SA 50. This is the end of the Kuiper belt is suddenly, and very few of Kuiper belt objects have been observed behind this point. This chasm can not be linked to the orbital resonance with planet-planet masif as Neptunus, and does not appear to be an error occurred (error) observation. Many experts believe that the astronomical end suddenly in the Kuiper belt population can be caused by a planet that has not been found, which may be as much as Earth. This object is believed to have been Lykawka and Mukai take into account their existence.

Japanese researchers predicted this a large object, a 30-70% mass massanya Earth, Sun mengorbit on the distance of 100-200 SA. This object may also help explain why some objects and the Kuiper belt Trans-Neptunian object (TNO) has some of the odd orbital characteristics, such as Sedna.

Found since Pluto in 1930, the astronom other objects have been looking for a more masif, which can explain the interference observed in the orbital orbit Uranus and Neptunus. This is known as a "Searching Planet X," which meant literally as a "search the planet that have not been identified." In the 1980s this orbital interference is treated as an error (error) observation. Therefore, the scientific search akan adult Planet X is the search for Kuiper belt objects or the large minor planet search. Although Planet X may not be the mass of Earth, the researchers will still remain interested to find objects Kuiper others, which may seukuran Plutoid, may also be slightly larger, but not too large.

"The interesting thing for me is the suggestion of the kinds of very interesting objects that may yet await discovery in the outer solar system. We are still scratching the edges of that region of the solar system, and I expect many surprises await us with the future deeper surveys. "- Mark Sykes, Director of the Planetary Science Institute (PSI) in Arizona.

So this comes from Nibiru? In 1976 a controversial book titled "The Twelfth Planet" or "twelfth planet" written by Zecharian Sitchin. Sitchin has been to translate the writings of the ancient Sumerian wedge-shaped (writing the most ancient known). The note was 6000 this year revealed that the alien race known as the Anunnaki from the planet called Nibiru, landed on Earth. Concise stories, Anunnaki Primate modifying genes in the Earth to create homo Sapien as their slaves.

When the Anunnaki left Earth, they let us rule this Earth until the time they return later. All this may appear a bit fantastic, and perhaps also a little too detailed when considering all of this is a literal translation from the writings of old age of 6000 years. Sitchin this work has been ignored by the scientific community as method of interpretation are considered imaginative. However, many also heard that Sitchin, and believes that Nibiru (orbitnya with a very eksentrik in girth Sun) will be back, probably in the year 2012 for the cause of all terror, destruction and terror in this Earth. From "discovery" that doubts this is the astronomical hypothesis of Resurrection 2012 Planet X is based. Then, how Planet X is considered as the realization of Nibiru?

Then there are the "brown dwarf discovery outside Tata Surya us" from the IRAS in 1984 and the "NASA announcement akan bermassa 4-8 mass planet Earth is in the Earth" in the year 1933. Supporting the hypothesis of Resurrection is dependent on the discovery of this as the astronomical evidence that Nibiru is Planet X which has long sought the astronom during this century. Not only that, by manipulating the facts about scientific research, they "prove" that Nibiru are toward us (the Earth), and in the year 2012, this object will enter masif part in Tata Surya us, cause interference gravity.

In pendefinisian the most pure, Planet X is a planet that has not been known, which may theoretically mengorbit Sun far behind the Kuiper belt. If the discovery of a few days ago that eventually leads to the observation on a planet or Plutoid, this will be a remarkable discovery that helps us understand the evolution and characteristics of the outside of the mysterious solar system us.

This is a snippet of information I get on google, and this news is being discussed my friend you already heard this news? how you?
According to my Sure it is only God who can, but this is only a prediction, even from a mama Laurent . How do you gossip about this?

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

When explosion Life After Meteor Rain

How life on Earth form? If you had previously discussed the seed of life on Earth ie amino acids, taken by CR Chondrites from meteorit space. In fact, there is new news that the explosion of life on Earth occurred after the rain falling more than 400 million years ago. At that time, although the Earth with more than 100 meteorit size of 1 km in a very short time, the life not only can be saved but it is growing.

Rangkaian meteorit collision occurred during the Ordovician period, between 490 - 440 million years ago. Indeed, life is not life as we know now, but at that time already living creatures on land and the organisms have also evolved to be able to start living in a niche in the sea. It seems that the irregularity in the asteroid belt 470 million years lalulah that send hundreds of rock out of the spacecraft orbit normal to the Earth.
Destruction of large-scale meteorit by large-scale destruction by meteorit
After several million years, more than 100 large meteorit that have been fragmentary and the Earth, sun and pack in the dust. Plants that hungry akan Sun akahirnya chain of life and death that are dependent on plants, also dropped out. But it is surprising, life is growing rapidly after a period. Grow and evolve into a new and more interesting.

The researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Lund University, together collecting chemical samples from meteorit, fossil, and also learn some crater in Sweden. Lockne crater is a crater which was also examined, located in northern Sweden with a diameter of 75 km. Research conducted shows that there is evidence that life evolved on more layers than a new layer containing the remaining meteorit attack.
The period after the destruction of a large-scale. The period after the destruction of a large-scale.
With the explosion of life, biological evolution can be great assistance in the relatively short time. Sample cases, volcanic eruptions or large forest fires, the initial damage will take effect on a very large life. But from abunya appear more rich fauna of the previous.

Earlier this year, paleontologis states that life can be re-appear quickly after the incident with the destruction of a large-scale, but needed a long time to be able to restore the diversity of life. Therefore, after most of the life tersapu by asteroid, kecoa, roach and berkerat animals such as rats that took over. But it takes several years before the ecosystem can return wealth to the butterfly, giraffe, or the other.

Source: Universe Today, Nature geoscience

That life can form in Cool Stars?

Origin of life has always been an interesting study. Well, Earth is believed in life comes from the chemical soup hot. Questions then appear, whether the samajuga have soup on the planet that orbit other stars?

Studies conducted Spitzer telescopes owned by NASA showed that the stars orbit planet yanng cold (more cool from Sun) may have the potential life of a different maker. Estimated to mix different chemicals that are required with the Earth.
Artist impression to the young planet mengorbit the cold stars. Credit: NASA

Artist impression to the young planet mengorbit the cold stars. Credit: NASA

Astronom using the Spitzer telescope to search for prebiotik chemical compound that is known by the name of hydrogen cyanide, in the material forming planet around the star that is the different types. Hydrogen cyanide composed by adenin who also is a basic element forming DNA is in all living organisms on Earth.

Researchers successfully detect the presence of molecular hydrogen cyanide in the disk around the star like sun yellow, but they can not find the same components on the stars a more cold and small as in the M dwarf stars are colored kemerah-meraha and the brown dwarf.

Can be prebiotik different chemical compound on the planet is cold mengorbit stars. Young stars born dlam cocoon of dust and gas, which then become memipih plate. Dust and gas in the disc is what provides the raw material forming the planet. Suspected, forming molecules in the embryo of life form on Earth's disc. Prebiotik molecules such as adenine allegedly taken from space to Earth when the Earth surface meteorit menghatam while still young.

Nah, mungkinkan form of life around other stars? Ilaria Pascucci of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md and their colleagues try to find the answer to the examine the disc where the planet terbentuknya around 17 stars and 44 cool stars like sun. They use the property Spitzer infrared spectrograph to separate the light and reveal the existence of the chemical compound. Age of the stars examined in the range of 1 - 3 million years, where the age of stars is estimated to have grown. In this research, which is seen perbadingan molecular hydrogen cyanide with the acetylene molecule.

Result, the M-dwarf stars and brown dwarf is not indicated the existence of hydrogen cyanide while 30% of stars similar Sun showed the existence of the molecule would have. According to Pascucci, ultraviolet light is stronger in stars like the Sun controls the formation of the high hydrogen cyanide. But the stars are cold moleuk acetylene found around stars in the disc.

These provide clear implications on the planet at this time have been found around the M-dwarf bintag. Some of the planet is found that greater than Earth, and is known as a super-Earth planet. Of all the super-Earth planet found that none are on the area habitasi stars, where water is in liquid condition. The question if there is a super-Earth planet discovered in the area habitasi Stars, he has mampukah and sustain life?

The astronom still has not been able to answer that meberi.

M-dwarf explosion has extreme magnetic process that can disrupt the formation of life. Research data to give Spitzer another story for consideration, namely the planet-the planet is also lack of hydrogen cyanide, molecules in the form of life.

So far the researchers have the condition that the aam stars akan cold would provide for the emerging challenges of life. But the Spitzer would build sbeuah other fundamental questions, namely: "What keplanetan system in the cold stars have enough material to form life?"

If the answer is not, the question about life in the cold stars can be a new aspect of the debate is interesting.

Source: NASA JPL